Hi everyone, I have been getting alot of emails regarding the new ShabbyRoseStudio look. I thought it was pretty cool but, alot of my customers think it looked better before? Well, I'm kind of worried, I'm thinking of changing back , the graphics at least, maybe it's just me, I'm changing alot in my old age of 40 getting close to 41. I'm starting to appreciate the value of simplicity, I'v been selling off furniture and stuff that once were pretty treasures now seem like clutter to me, like I cant breath. Maybe watching HGTV 24/7 doesnt help lol I love Candice Olson Divine design, shes one classy designer. Last night I wanted to pack up my paris suite and paint my focal wall chocolate and make a pale aqua damask tufted upholstered headboard! Though if it were just me in the bedroom, I'd head to target and buy all the pale pink n blue bedding from simply shabby chic, soooo dreamy, so I guess shabby chic is still in me, but I love a simple clean easy look, Anyway, back to the website..... PLEASE TAKE THE POLL at top right on this page and help me decide!! Thanks bunches!! Hugs, Kimberly
EEK! Kim, when *I* get the itch to begin changing things, I always end up chopping my hair waaaay too short. This new look is lovely - but the former was as well - which lends me to question if it was ever the look or just a case of winter cabin fever? Keep this look,
hide the scissors, and paint something gorgeous! Spring is here!
Thanks so much for that comment, I do the same thing with my hair, Bad scissors, bad scissors!! Hugs, Kim
I think it looked great both ways.
I mean it's 'your baby' to do what you want with it.
If you love the new look then leave it, I think it looks fabulous
Hi Kimberly,
I love both! So its a hard call,
usually when Im trying to decide on something I just stop and think does it make me happy.
when you look at both sites which one makes you happy, if its both which one makes you most happy? I think what your looking at is one is all pink and one is all blue, is there a way to combine a little of both? take your favorite elements of each one and combine the look, I love blue and pink together its my favorite color combo. Now that im really confusing you ill stop :P
Hi Kim,
I loved your old website but I love the new one even more! It is so soft and romantic & that's what your art is all about. So sweetie, just remember, you're not getting older, you're getting better!!!lol
Hi Kimberly,
Can I just say WoW!!! I love your website (& your beautifully elegant colors) and the product content is absolutely gorgeous... I can not wait to do some very decadent shopping in your store ;o)
Wishing you and your family a beautiful Easter!
Your design looks fabulous! Have a blessed Easter week-end with all of your family.
Hi Kimberly, I just voted - for your new design. I love it. I have been lusting after aqua lately :-).
Have a wonderful Easter!
I love your new site! Of course,I seem to dream in pink these days,so blue is a wonderful change! If I could change my site I would. You have to do what makes you feel comfortable. You are a fabulous designer and artist! I think no matter what the color is, your work will shine!
Big hugs,
Kimberly ~
I didn't get your email ~ can you send me a bill via paypal ~
I am sorry !!!
Thank you!!!
We would love to feature those shutters on our blog tomorrow if it is okay with you....can you e-mail us at ask@kariandkijsa.com.
smiles, kari & kijsa
Hi Kim ~
I love your new look. I just did a redo on my web site too. I was tired of all the pink and green and now have gone pink and chocolate...still can't let go of the pink for some reason. It's funny, but when I was reading your post you sound exactly like me. I am getting rid of so many of my shabby things that now seem like clutter. Can you believe that I am redoing my house now in French and French Country? I still can't!, and I love it!
I am feeling the same way so it must be a 40's thing. I want to be super organized, get rid of ALL the clutter, and paint my doors chocolate. MY walls are already pale aqua. I have some fabric to show you that I luvvvvvvvvv. It has a lot of different shades of pale aqua. I need your adddy. I have a box all ready to go for you!
Forgot to tell you I love your blog! I cut my hair myself 2 weeks ago! I thought maybe that was a sign of insanity. LOL! Remember Legends of the Fall? Ok going to bed with my little doggies and watching a weeks worth of General Hospital that I have on my DVR. Last night home alone!
I meant love your website. I love it love it love it.!
Kimberly, this is exactly what is happening with me at the moment. Must be the 40's for sure lol!! I've sold off a lot of stuff already but still cant part with some of my rosey things so I guess I will just keep a mix. Just love your new rug designs by the way, too gorgeous!!
Alicia ~ time worn style
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