Hello sweet reader, thanks for stopping by :) Your always welcome. This summer I have taken my brush a travilin a true gypsy painter :) My first stop was in mount Dora, Karen's Kozy Kottage! I painted her a lovely sign for her new summer place, along with some furniture...I spent the day in quited in that quaint little town I love.....the second stop was another of my most favorite places, St. Augustine Fl, the home of my customer and now sweet buddy Michelle. She had a fab idea of painting her closet doors in a royal Marie Antoinette fashion. The duke & duchess as their friends call them. I think the doors came out lovely....though a challenge standing up painting for hours, I did manage to take a break and eat dinner! Michelle is a fabulous cook! Another project was sent to me, 2 huge ,giant,humongous mirrors!!! Did I say they were huge? I finished one and its now ready to ship yay!! Beautiful french mirror with tons of roses. Now on to the larger one whew! Another project was painting some beautiful ceiling tins my father made. Sooo lovely . Besides that we are getting our second summer line ready to list on Paris Rags.com What a busy summer....but productive :) Till next time!! Hugs to you all, love, Kimberly