Hello everyone! Long time no post I know :) I have been enjoying a long visit with my family in Sarasota with intentions of bringing my little princess home , but since school had not started in our area I thought she could stay a few more days to her and my parents sheer delight! After some remodeling to my parents home I helped out by cleaning up some full boxes of "stuff". My Mom has the sweetest little cottage style home so I thought i'd post a few picks of it today and a few of what I have been up to in my studio. Instead of spreading out all the glitter and paper crafts now I have beads EVERYWHERE! In my bed, on the floor, stuck to my skin, you name it :) My kitties were even playing with some beads on the tile floor! Well , as long as they are having fun :) My new obsession is making Victorian style chokers and other jewelry in that style. I was so inspired by the Michal Negrin designs thought I would try my hand at it. Heres the link to see a few more picks of the Victorian Collection . Also my sweet friend Natasha sent me the most girly sweet package of lavender scented soaps from Cath Kidston collection! They are so dainty and smell divine :) I found a pretty jar and covered the top with lace and then embellished it with roses so I could display my pretty soaps in my bath! Thank you so much Natasha!! Enjoy the photos and can't wait to catch up on all my favorite blogs including my new discovery LU LA"S Place She makes the most beautiful Jeweled frames I have ever seen , so be sure to welcome her to Blog land :) Have a happy day! Love , Kimberly
i love your mom's lavender/purple room, as well as the rest of her lovely home =) and your chokers are GORGEOUS! debbie
Thanks for sharing the photos of your Mom's lovely home and your chokers are beautiful.
Everything looks gorgeous!!! I got a beautiful smelling soap from Natasha and LOVE it!
I posted the vignette you sent to me tonight! Be sure to stop by and check it out when you get a chance!
It's all so lovely! Hopped over from Faded Rose Cottage and I'm so glad to have found you. I'm going to go look at some of your older posts. Blessings... Polly
You KNOW I love your mom's lavender room! It is so pretty. And lavender soaps! Well I feel right at home here :-).
Your chokers are just beautiful!
Those chokers a divine! I gasp when I saw them. You beaded those? WOW! I was thinking, where did she get those, I think they would make wonderful embellishments for not only the neck but for decortive trim as well.
Your Mom's home is just beautiful, as are all your photos! :)
I wouldn't be able to tear myself away from that cottage either! and I love Sarasota. My grandma lived there I used to spend a couple of weeks with her each year. It will always hold dear memories for me and will be on my favorite places in the world list!
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