How thrilling it was last night to sit in peace and watch the beginning of Materpiece Theaters 1St presentation of a collection of Jane Austens classics! The first was " Persuasion" I thought that Pride and Prejudice was my all time favorite with Mr. Darcy being my sweetie :) But , so long Mr.Darcy the Captain is in town! Capt. Fredrick Wentworth Oh my he's just so mysterious . This episode was so romantic and very on the edge of your seat exiting! They offer the Dvd's @ 19.99 I think I may purchase this one. I'm so looking forward to the next story on Sunday. Each Sunday for the next 4 mos. tune in for another Jane Austen classic. What a romantic she was.
Click Here to see the video for scenes of Persuasion. I hope some of you had a chance to see it last night! I was captivated ! Read Jane Austen's Bio
here. I hope you all enjoy! Keep your Sunday evenings open for Jane, maybe invite a few girlfriends over for the show. I just may have a Jane Austen party!
Oh! I just blogged about the same thing!! I watched Persuasion last night too :) I'm thinking that they will probably produce a boxed DVD set of all six given how much publicity this is being given. At least, I'm hoping so!
I haven't looked forward to Sunday nights so much in years. I was hooked on Upstairs Downstairs and The Dutchess of Duke Street way back when.
What a treat for cold winter nights!
Wish I would have known! Next Sunday I will be tuning in.
Thank you for sharing dear friend.
Hi Kimberly, Ah, another Jane Austen lover. I was right there in front of my tv on sunday evening. As I'm sure I will be for future Sunday nights as well. : )
Thanks Kimberly, I'll think of you on Sunday as well. It is amazing to see how many people are blogging about the Jane Austen specials...just goes to show how much she is loved. Now that I have discovered your blog, I will check back often. I have long loved your beautiful work. All the best.
Oh fun! I love the PBS series too and Upstairs Downstairs was one of my faves to watch with mom and dad back in the day. Do you remember Shoulder to Shoulder about the women suffragettes? PBS rocks!
Isn't it exciting? I'm so glad that you shared this with everybody today!
Thanks for sharing this Kim! What a great way to enjoy these cold Sunday evenings! Brook
We are lucky to have 2 PBS stations in the Atlanta area and both are running "The complete Jane Austen". They are on different nights so we have twice the viewing. Tonight the second station started the series. Tonight I watched Persuasion for the second time and last night I watched Northanger Abbey. It's still not enough!! I may have to break out my 6 hour Pride and Prejudice DVD.
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