Janet aka Shabbyfufu stopped by for a visit. It was so nice to meet her after all these years!

We arrived home last Sunday evening from our first Mount Dora Extravaganza selling trip. The first night we arrived it was freezing! This is Fl we are always sweating and complaining that it never gets cold:) It was all so funny after you look back... Out in the cold almost nightfall trying to set up this 10x20 tent just out of the box in the freezing cold! My daughter stayed in the car all warm and cozy while she watched us set up, better than comedy tv! We finally got it set up now time to set up camp with a kerosene heater my husband brought, wow those things get hot, but thank goodness since we thought it might be nice to camp with our stuff for the first night, not realizing it would be that cold. Then we get the air bed out and realized the pump need batteries, oh my....so my mcgyver husband rigged up his drill battery to the pump and we finally had our mattress! Eating dinner was great fun too, NOT popping lots of cans of ravioli and cooking them on the heater, it really works! The next day was fun filled with cold wind blowing the tent down lol I'll spare you the details...Saturday was a great sunny but cool day,,,,we sold lots and someone actually bought my dress form which wasn't for sale, with ALL my clothing , bag, jewelry and hat! He made me an offer I couldn't refuse lol Lots of work went into getting there, I painted till I couldn't for sure. We met allot of great people that were set up next to us all around. A screenwriter who writes while his wife sells her goods, Katrina who has amazing style, she has a shop in Michigan called Paris . On our right we met Kathy and her sweet hubby, Kathy is so talented we discovered, she makes these amazing bags , she loves the 40's and it shows! These bags were made so well,,, each stitch was perfect. Very creative and fun, I know shop owners out there would love to get their hands on them. She makes them out of vinyl , fabric and fabric transfers. The handles are lucite looking and some are a bamboo....very cool ! You can email Kathy here lovetheforties@gmail.com if you want one , I think she will have them on Etsy soon! It was a pleasure to see her each day, we miss them! We might be back at the end of February not sure, still recovering from the last trip! Paris Rags did so well, I'm exited to open the website, I'm back to sewing and getting ready for the opening.... seems like deppresion chic is the in thing now! Talk to you all soon, thanks for stopping by and saying hi! It makes my day:) Kimberly