After a wonderful weekend with my parents visiting they went home Sunday afternoon taking my little girl with them for the holiday break, my little constant companion. I tend to get really sad even when my parents leave, the house suddenly becomes quiet,Husband working,some would think that a good thing but not me. So, to get my mind off things i made some pretty hang / gift tags, i had been wanting to make some for a while. It's so much fun (but a huge mess in my work room awaits cleanup :( )and like my mosaic work it's constant creativity always something new to add,one can never be the same. Its a great change from painting. Hope you all like them! Till later, Kimberly

I love having my daughters home for the holidays too, its like having your best little friends around to play with all day (except when they are naughty lol!)
Love your tags and mosaics, I too like to have a little change from painting so am going to try a few different things over the holidays. Might get the girls to help and see what we come up with!
Alicia ~ time worn style
Oh Kim those are so pretty!
Just love em!
Those tags are incredible....you are truly talented!
Merry Christmas blessings,
kari and kijsa
wowza! i love them =) how pretty... hApPy HoLiDaYs, debbie
Wow Kim I love those tags, they're beautiful! It's great to have a change and keep your mind fresh while creating.
Funny how it goes quiet without a child in the house, that first time you hear them home again is a great sound!
These are beautiful Kim! Having family around is wonderful, it's nice to have the time to "self" even though that feels strange in it's way...but using the time to be creative and do what pleases you..that is a very good thing!
Oh my...these tags came out soo gorgeous!!
Ahhhhhh. Your hang tags are dreamy! The bottom ruffles/fringes are the icing on the cake!
Kimberly, I must ask! Did you design that floral/ornament garland/centerpiece on your dining room table and are they fresh flowers? It is to die for! I am hosting Christmas dinner at my house and my creative juices are not flowing! I would LOVE to make something similar even though my father in law will not like having the table decorated. He likes his space when eating!
If you get a chance, stop by The Old Painted Cottage blog. I see it is listed under your fav blogs. You can take a peek see at portions of my home!
Oops! Those are photos of your friend's home. . . I must read more carefully. When I am mesmerized by the photos, reading becomes secondary! Sorry!
Kim~Your work is amazing! Everything is so beautiful!!! You are SO talented! HAve a wonderful Christmas~I'm off to red posts that I've missed! thanks for visiting, I haven't had time to read all my favorite blogs lately & I'm so happy to be able to have a few minutes to visit you!!:) chris
Your tags are so pretty. Enjoy some quiet time to yourself.
Kimberly ~
Those are beautiful hang tags and hat box ! sooo dreamy !
What beautiful tags! So soft and romantic! And they look great in those little gift bags too.
And thank you for the post on that Marie Antoinette style blog - what a fun blog! The banner you created for it is wonderful!
oh I love this Hang Tag Therapy I think your on to something!Thank you about my sink that was a thrown together creation??
Hi Kim,
Just wanted to thank you again!
Everything is beautiful!
Take care,
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