Well, here is a look at my new stationery designs. I hope they go over well with the company, the first ones are pretty too but I love this collection entitled "Antoinette" journals, file folders, scrapbook albums and so much more,well the bride album
isn't part of it that was part of the first "Victoria collection" I think they are a nice change from all the whimsy cute stuff on the market now, I love it all but sometimes a touch of elegance is a nice change.
Don't worry Pink is in the next batch of designs, even lavender! I also have ideas for teens and
pre-teens with bright pinks ,purples, lime greens ,so much going on in my head it's about to explode, better go make some clothespin clips for some fun :)
Below are my latest obsession Clothespin magnet designs!Wow, I love these things, they hold all my scrapbook papers on a ribbon tied
across my desk shelves, You can see all of them on my